Our future is found in partnering with global leaders and ministries
To advance the gospel worldwide and to bring what we learn back home to reach our Island for Christ. Our current plans are to go beyond sending funds to assist others and to begin a strategy that will effectively transform lives, including ours.


Living Faith began a partnership with Brinnington Community Church in North Stockport UK (Manchester area) in the summer of 2020. This relationship is designed to assist Pastor Martin Korchinsky and his church members with outreach in the neighborhood where about 8,000 people live. The church building is centrally located in this working-class community and is made up of townhomes and apartments. Several groups in the area use the facility for community events and afterschool type experiences. Living Faith hopes to:
  1. Financially add to the stability of the BCC church ministry.
  2. Build a mutually beneficial/working relationship with BCC.
  3. Make trips to the church where members will be encouraged.
  4. Create an opportunity for LFCC members to share their faith in a cross-cultural context.
  5. Impact the city of Stockport with the Gospel of Christ.
  6. Share evangelistic skills with BCC members and develop outreach events in the community.
  7. Influence local believers in developing their faith sharing skills.
Elam Ministry Partnership

Living Faith is partnering with Elam Ministry, a ministry to those of primary Iranian descent, to the following:
  1. To provide mutually beneficial/working relationship.
  2. To leverage advancement of the Gospel among Iranians.
  3. To create an opportunity for LFCC members to serve the Iranian church.
  4. To engage in ministry exchange that impacts Iranian outreach.
Dominican Partnership

We have identified a small barrio in the Northwest part of Santo Domingo named Villa Hermosa. The barrio has a church plant named Benedicion Church which means Blessing. The church started through a clean water project, opened a small school, and constructed a beautiful church structure with the help of funds from Living Faith. The church is a dominate structure in this very poor community and has a dynamic relationship with the city mayor’s office. Living Faith has just partnered with the church and city in building a new basketball court with grandstands in the heart of the community. This basketball court will be the center of our gospel presentations. It is a great place to effectively share Christ over just a few days of visiting. Consider joining in a trip to the barrio.

  1. Praying for the church and people of Villa Hermosa/Pantoja.
  2. Sending teaching and visioneering teams to the city.
  3. Sending teams to develop events and need based ministry in the community.
  4. Financially supporting the church and its needs.
  5. Developing and sponsoring various outreaches into the Villa Hermosa community.
  6. Capturing the stories of those lives changed by the Gospel in Villa Hermosa.
  7. Encouraging American students to join the work as interns in Villa Hermosa.
Brooklyn NYC Recovery House of Worship PARTNERSHIP

Living Faith is partnering with Recovery House for the following purposes:

  1. Send individuals and teams to observe and help evaluate how LFCC can assist in the social assistance of the church.
  2. Send individuals and teams to assist in Saturday outreach which takes place 3 times per month.
  3. Assist the church with other outreach possibilities we develop with the church.
  4. Learn from this church how to best minister to the needs of the poor and those caught up in various dependencies.